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Human Resources

Totalview HR provides your company insight into all relevant employee information to optimize staff procedures, organize your work force, and maximize employee potential.

Save time finding people

All Staff Information in One Place

With Totalview HR you have quick and easy access to all relevant staff information in one place. Staff profiles let you see employee skills, educations, salary agreements, time registrations, phone usage, course certifications, contact information, birthdays, anniversaries and handed items such as keys, uniforms, computers and more.

Maximize your efforts

Find the Right Person for the Job

See who is best fit for a project by comparing employee skills such as education, course certification, language proficiency or job experience. That way, you can maximize effectiveness and ensure success in your business.

Ensure long term succes

Plan Your Workforce Development Strategically

With Totalview HR your company can set up procedures and goals for workforce development and follow the progress in real-time. This systematic approach to competence and qualification development gives higher employee satisfaction and lower costs to improve competitiveness of your business.

Identify workforce shortcomings

Analyze Human Resources in Numbers and Figures

Totalview HR provides information about your work force in numbers and figures to identify shortcomings and locate potential for growth. Relevant data includes FTE , management distribution, age and gender distribution, and more.

Manage departments more easily

Visualize Your Organization

Totalview HR can help to visualize an entire organizational hierarchy by mapping out departments, connected employees and the relationships between them, providing an in-depth insight into how the company is structured.

See it in action

Contact us today to get a personalized presentation of these amazing features.